Spotlight 04 May 2022
Key lessons on ‘what works’ with Domestic Abuse Perpetrators
Read our summary report.
Cordis Bright and the West Midland’s Police and Crime Commissioner received funding from the Home Office’s Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Research Fund 2020/2021 to conduct research into ‘what works’ with Domestic Abuse Perpetrators.
The research focussed on exploring the following key areas:
- Understanding the level of need across the West Midlands for interventions that work with perpetrators to prevent further harm.
- Understanding the level of existing provision and whether this meets the level of need across the West Midlands.
- Exploring the characteristics of successful programmes, services, and initiatives which address the abuse and violence of perpetrators.
- Understanding what types of evidence are needed to support the commissioning of interventions and approaches that reduce the domestic abuse of perpetrators.
This summary report brings together the different aspects of the research summarised in the diagram below:
The report draws out key messages for commissioner, providers, policy makers, academics and evaluators around:
- Understanding the scale of need and associated supply for services that work with domestic abuse perpetrators.
- Strategic lessons.
- Operational lessons.
- Evaluation lessons.
The report can be downloaded below. We have also published the range of evidence that informs this summary. Visit 'News Updates' for further information.