MyEnds impact evaluation

Resources 19 June 2024

MyEnds impact evaluation

Summary report and main report

MyEnds is an ambitious programme funded by London's Violence Reduction Unit (VRU). It promotes highly-local, place-based approaches to reducing violence in London neighbourhoods which have experienced high and sustained levels of violence.

London’s VRU has published the report from our impact evaluation of the MyEnds programme, alongside our short report summarising our key findings.

My Ends impact evaluation. Short summary report

My Ends impact evaluation. Main report

The reports focus on the first two years of the MyEnds programme (April 2021 – June 2023). They highlight that MyEnds is:

  • Contributing to stronger local networks within the VCS and between the VCS and statutory organisations, supporting joined up working and providing a foundation for collective approaches to violence reduction.
  • Promoting stronger grassroots organisations, which are supporting local communities.
  • Contributing to a range of benefits for young people and community members, such as improved mental health, wellbeing, confidence, aspirations, ETE outcomes and support networks, through its interventions.
  • Supporting improved skills in staying safe and reduced involvement in violence through a small number of tertiary interventions.

Developing and implementing the MyEnds programme has also provided useful learning at the local and programme levels for future similar initiatives and for continuing to improve MyEnds. For example, areas for ongoing development include:

  • Taking a strategic approach to understanding needs and identifying target groups.
  • Building capacity to robustly measure impact to evaluate innovative approaches.
  • Navigating the opportunities and boundaries of VCS-statutory partnership working.
  • Gathering further learning about useful local pre-conditions for similar initiatives.

We are currently conducting an evaluation of the extension year of MyEnds, producing five thematic reports focusing on:

  • A co-developed model of the MyEnds programme.
  • Strengthening community networks activity, including community and youth-led co-design and engagement, and strengthening collaborative network approach.
  • Supporting and building capacity in the grassroots sector through onwards grants programmes.
  • Targeted hyper-local interventions.
  • Lessons and implications for MyEnds.

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