Mental health

Mental Health image

Our work on mental health is multi-faceted, encompassing children, adults and older people. We work with integrated care systems, mental health trusts and independent providers to help understand need and the effectiveness of interventions. We have deployed quasi-experimental evaluation designs including advanced statistical analysis, paired with in-depth qualitative fieldwork. Recently there has been a particular focus on understanding equity of access and impact especially in relation to protected characteristics.

Many of our projects recognise that mental ill health is often accompanied by other challenges and disadvantage. Our work on multiple disadvantage and multiple/complex needs helps to understand the range of factors that can influence outcomes and the importance of multi-agency and system-wide responses. In our work on multiple disadvantage, we have trained and supported people with lived experience to work alongside us as peer researchers.

Finally, evidence suggests that investing in preventing ill health and boosting emotional wellbeing and resilience represents an impactful use of resources. We are working to support a range of wellbeing and early intervention projects, from social prescribing and community navigators to system-wide mental health and wellbeing programmes, to understand what works and why and to contribute to the emerging evidence base.

See some of the examples below for further information.

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