Our expertise covers the full range of services offered to children, young people and their families: from public health, prevention and early intervention to safeguarding, youth justice and tier 4 CAMHS provision. We are particularly skilled at helping clients improve support for those who are most vulnerable to poor outcomes. We do this by combining expertise in robust academic research with sensitive capacity-building and change management approaches and in-depth previous experience in practice, management, leadership and inspection.
The resources below provide a flavour of some of our work including evaluations of Department for Education Social Care Innovation Programme projects; research to understand local need (e.g. SEN and disability, Looked After Children, and Adverse Childhood Experiences); advice and resources on improved partnership working between local authorities, health, police and the voluntary and community sector; and practical support to help tackle the complex financial, caseload and practice challenges within Children’s Services Directorates.
Do interventions to prevent school exclusion reduce and/or prevent offending?View details
Feasibility study of the Drive Partnership’s Restart Programme: Study protocolView details
Pupil Premium Plus Post-16 evaluation: Interim findingsView details
Statistical analysis plan for Future Men's Boys Development ProgrammeView details
Randomised Controlled Trial of MAC’s Cerridwen programmeView details
Supporting young people with a learning disability and/or autism into employmentView details
Pilot randomised controlled trial for Divert PlusView details
System mapping at the CYP Now Evaluation ConferenceView details
Programme concept test study of the Amber programmeView details
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