
Bethan Peach

Principal Consultant

  • 07787 240 448

Beth is a Principal Consultant and Project Director specialising in theory based evaluation and qualitative social research. She is experienced in designing and delivering evaluations that evidence social impact and identify actionable learning and recommendations within complex settings and social systems. Beth has led a wide range of projects across the public and VCSE sectors. Her work often focuses on children, young people and families, while also spanning mental health, wellbeing and resilience; education and employment; and health and social care. She enjoys working collaboratively with clients as a learning partner to generate actionable and relevant insights.


Beth joined Cordis Bright in January 2023. She was previously a Research Director at Traverse, a social purpose research consultancy. Beth’s early career was in the VCSE sector in volunteer programme management and communications.

Project examples include:

  • Evaluation of the Pupil Premium Plus Post-16 funding programme for the Department for Education. Beth is the programme manager for this evaluation delivered in partnership with the Rees Centre, University of Oxford, evaluating the use and outcomes of the funding in relation children looked after, care leavers, virtual schools and post-16 education and training settings across all local authorities in England.
  • Evaluation of the Bambu programme for the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit. Bambu is a trauma-informed support service for children and young people aged 11-24 affected by domestic abuse. Beth is leading this mixed-methods evaluation across eight London Boroughs. The evaluation aims to identify learning and the contribution of the programme towards outcomes for children and young people, professionals and the wider system, with accessibility, comfort, and safeguarding at the centre of the approach.
  • Evaluation of the Lived Experience Peer Support service for GamCare. Beth led this evaluation of GamCare’s new service, which matches individuals to volunteers for peer support via email. Our process evaluation was designed to provide rapid real-time learning during the early stages of service implementation as well as co-producing a Theory of Change for the service.
  • Unpaid carers journey mapping research for Essex County Council. Beth is leading this in-depth qualitative methodology, using creative and participatory methods in re-convened meetings with carers to co-produce journey maps that depict their experience. The final outputs will present hybrid maps that illustrate the key milestones in a carer’s journey and the critical points at which support is most valuable and/or where gaps in support currently exist, to inform future commissioning.

Beth holds an MSc in Development Studies from Birkbeck, University of London, and a BSc in Applied Biology from the University of Bath.

Beth is also a trained mental health first aider (MHFA) and a qualified yoga teacher, working one to one with individuals who experience barriers to attending group yoga classes.

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