The Cordis Pulse is a monthly digest of key research and policy developments across the sectors in which we provide research and consultancy services, i.e. adult social care and health, children and young people's services, and criminal justice. You can download a full copy below.
The Pulse also provides an opportunity for us to highlight some of the work that we have recently completed. For instance, this month we are pleased to have published research we did last year with funding from the Home Office Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Fund 2021-2022. We built on findings from our 2020-2021 research to explore: (1) How approaches to Domestic Abuse Perpetrator (DAPP) impact evaluation can be improved in the future, and (2) What analysis of domestic abuse perpetrator criminal histories can tell us about identifying future perpetrator behaviour and implications for early intervention/prevention. We produced a range of outputs including:
- A summary of findings from the research
- Three evidence reviews
- An analysis of key stakeholder views
- A DAPP impact evaluation toolkit.
You can find out more about this research here. It also links well with the recently published Home Office Standards for domestic abuse perpetrator interventions.
Linked to this research, and a range of other projects we’ve been doing in the field of domestic abuse, we’re also facilitating a webinar on the 9th March at mid-day on Domestic abuse perpetrator programmes: what works. If you’re interested please do sign up to the free event.