Cordis Pulse 20 March 2024
Cordis Pulse: Neurodiversity special: March 2024
A special edition to mark Neurodiversity Celebration Week.
Welcome to this special edition of the CordisPulse, produced to mark our observance of Neurodiversity Celebration Month, which we are holding across March and April. The celebration month ties in with Neurodiversity Celebration Week, which is a worldwide initiative taking place from 18th to 24th March, aiming to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences as well as celebrating the richness and diversity which they bring to society.
We have decided to centre this PulseSpecial on neurodiversity in women and girls1 in the sectors we work in. We highlight some key examples of reports, briefings and tools from the past five years that have a focus on neurodiversity in women and/or girls.
A reoccurring theme across the sources here from the sectors of adult health and social care, children and young people’s services, and criminal justice, is the under-recognition and underdiagnosis of neurodiversity in women and girls. The lack of a diagnosis is then linked to women and girls being unable to access the support and services that they need, which ultimately can lead to negative outcomes and health inequalities for neurodiverse women and girls.