Anna has a BA degree in Human Geography from the University of Oxford and an MA degree in Geography Research from Royal Holloway, University of London.
“Using high-quality and robust research methods to support the insights and recommendations Cordis Bright produces for a range of clients is a highly gratifying part of my role, particularly as this often enables improved outcomes for service users and providers alike.”
Her skills and experience include:
- Qualitative consultation including semi-structured interviewing, observations, and focus groups, with a range of groups such as stakeholders, staff, children, and adults at risk of poor outcomes.
- Designing and analysing surveys for various participants including young children.
- Co-producing evaluations with peer researchers, including young people, involving providing training in research and evaluation; co-designing research tools; and carrying out and analysing qualitative consultation collaboratively.
- Analysing large quantitative datasets from various sources, including monitoring data, surveys, and national statistics.
- Producing detailed outputs including reports and summaries.
- Project management.
Anna’s recent and current projects include:
- Research into ‘what works’ in supporting children and young people’s pathways towards employment during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, looking at a national programme which provides funding and support to voluntary and community sector organisations working in this space.
- Evaluation of a multi-site programme to reduce highly localised violence in different areas in a city through developing local solutions with the community and grassroots organisations. Core aspects of this evaluation include co-production with local communities affected by the programme, feeding in action learning as the programme progresses, and building evidence of ‘what works’.
- Evaluation of the use of a national model to address high-harm and high-risk perpetrators of domestic abuse, in a police force area.
- Evaluation of Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond programme, a national Department for Education-funded programme which deploys national and community-based organisations to support children and young people adversely affected by COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown.
- Multi-year evaluations of Blackpool Fulfilling Lives and the national Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) Approach, both multi-year programmes aimed at changing systems and improving outcomes for adults experiencing multiple disadvantage.
- Multi-year evaluation of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority Health and Social Care Partnership’s Local Care Approach, a system change programme aiming to integrate and improve health and social care commissioning and provision within Greater Manchester’s localities.
Prior to joining Cordis Bright, Anna worked in the homelessness sector, collecting and presenting rough sleeping data and supporting homeless adults. She also brings experience of working with children and young people and vulnerable adults through teaching English.