
Helen Todd

Senior Consultant

  • 07500 895 992
  • helentodd@cordisbright.co.uk

Helen has a first class BA in Anthropology from the University of Sussex and an MSc in Research for International Development with distinction from SOAS, University of London. 

During her time at Cordis Bright she has produced quality and coherent rapid evidence assessments, undertaken detailed analysis of quantitative datasets and conducted interviews and focus groups with a wide range of stakeholders from the breadth of topics we specialise in. Prior to joining Cordis Bright, Helen worked in a national safeguarding team, undertaking research into support services for survivors of abuse and supporting safeguarding case reviews. In her Master’s research, Helen adopted a social determinants of health framework to conduct primary research with asylum seekers and refugees, exploring the contextual factors impacting their right to healthcare. Through voluntary work Helen campaigns for migrant rights and supports the promotion of migrant voices within the community.


“I appreciate the opportunity working at Cordis Bright provides to engage with service users and stakeholders from such a wide range of backgrounds and sectors, to assess the journey of their projects and services from inception to implementation to impact, and support their development and enhancement. It is particularly rewarding to work for a company that values equality, diversity and inclusion so highly, and supports the same from its clients.”


Helen’s skills include:

  • Developing strong, equitable relationships with service users and other stakeholders and undertaking qualitative consultation including interviews and focus groups.
  • Strong writing skills including the ability to analyse and translate complex data into concise and easily accessible language, to produce quality literature reviews and reports.
  • Comparative analysis of primary and secondary data to identify themes and draw reliable conclusions.
  • Quantitative analysis of datasets from a range of sources, including national government datasets, surveys, and performance monitoring data.
  • Mapping local support systems to understand their development and the key mechanisms for systems change.

Helen’s recent and current projects include:

  • Evaluation of a regional programme in Wales aiming to divert women and young adults away from the criminal justice system and into support.
  • Evaluation and case study development of social prescribing activities led and supported by the Greater London Authority, to support the mainstreaming of social prescribing in London.
  • Evaluation for a Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office of the Violence Reduction Unit in their local area.
  • Evaluation of a programme that seeks to provide support, capacity and funding for locally-designed interventions in neighbourhoods affected by high and sustained levels of violence across London.
  • Evaluation of a national programme aiming to improve outcomes for people experiencing multiple disadvantage.
  • Evaluation of a Ukrainian Support Helpline, aiming to provide practical and mental health support to people fleeing the war in Ukraine.
  • Needs assessment for children with complex needs in the Black Country and West Birmingham to better understand the strengths of the system supporting these children and identify areas for improvement.

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