30 September 2024
Pupil Premium Plus Post-16 evaluation: Interim findings
Download the interim report.
Cordis Bright is delighted to be working in partnership with the Rees Centre, University of Oxford, on the evaluation of the Department for Education’s Pupil Premium Plus Post-16 programme (PP+ Post-16).
PP+ Post-16 is a funding programme that aims support children looked after (CLA) and care leavers with their education, training and employment outcomes between the ages of 16 and 18 across all local authorities in England.
Our interim report presents the findings from year one of the evaluation, drawing on in-depth qualitative data from six case study sites and a national survey of all Virtual School Heads in England which had a response rate of 81%. The interim findings highlight the variety of ways in which virtual schools are using the funding to respond to local needs, and early evidence of progress towards the intended outcomes in the programme's theory of change.
Download our interim report below or here.
In year two of the evaluation, we are employing these same two methods in addition to analysis of national secondary datasets to further explore progress towards outcomes and a cost assessment, with our next report due in 2025.
For more information, please see our project page or contact Bethan Peach.